DOS Client Message File: DOSRqstr 0, Tran 0 The message file %s is invalid. The program cannot be loaded. CoPyRiGhT=(C) Copyright 1993, 1994, 1995 Novell, Inc. All Rights Reserved. (C) Copyright 1993, 1994, 1995 Novell, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Patent pending. %s.VLM is not loaded. The %s.VLM file cannot be loaded before %s.VLM. Load the %s.VLM file first; then load the %s.VLM file. In order to load the %s.VLM, one of the following VLMs must be loaded: %s The VLM.EXE file is already loaded. The VLM.EXE file cannot be reloaded. If you want to load VLM.EXE with a different configuration, unload VLM.EXE first with the /U parameter and then try loading the VLM.EXE file. The VLM.EXE file is pre-initializing the VLMs. There is insufficient memory to load the VLMs. The VLM.EXE file cannot be loaded. Reconfigure the VLMs to be loaded in the NET.CFG file and then try to load the VLM.EXE file. Available command line options: /? Display this help screen. /U Unload the VLM.EXE file from memory /C=[path\]filename.ext Specify a configuration file to use (Default is NET.CFG). /Mx The memory type the VLM.EXE file uses where x is one of the following: C = Conventional memory. X = Extended memory (XMS). E = Expanded memory (EMS). /D Display the VLM.EXE file diagnostics. /PS= Preferred server name to attach to during load. /PT= Preferred tree name to attach to during load. /Vx The detail level of message display where x is one of the following: 0 = Display copyright and critical errors only. 1 = Also display warning messages. 2 = Also display VLM module names. 3 = Also display configuration file parameters. 4 = Also display diagnostics messages. An invalid command line parameter was specified. The VLM.EXE file v%d.%.2d is currently loaded The VLM.EXE file is not currently loaded. VLM transient switch count : %d VLM call count : %d VLM current ID : %.4Xh VLM memory type : %s VLM modules loaded count : %d VLM block ID (0 if CON) : %.4Xh VLM transient block : %.4Xh VLM global seg (0 if CON) : %.4Xh VLM async queue (h, t, s) : VLM busy queue (h, t, s) : %.4X:%.4X, %.4X:%.4X, VLM re-entrance level : %d VLM full map count : %d VLM diagnostic information Address Memory Sizes (decimal) NAME ID Flag Func Maps Call TSeg GSeg Low High TSize GSize SSize -------- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----- ----- ----- %.4X %5d Total %6lu %6lu Maximum %5d %5d %5d A task switcher has been detected in memory. The VLM.EXE file cannot be loaded under a task switcher. Exit the task switcher; then load the VLM.EXE file. %s%d : Network error on server %s Check network cabling or server status. The VLM.EXE file is not loaded. VLM.EXE cannot be unloaded. The loaded VLM.EXE file has a different version. VLM.EXE cannot be unloaded. Make sure the VLM.EXE file you are using has the same version number and then try to unload VLM.EXE. The loaded VLM.EXE file indicates it is unsafe to execute an unload for VLM number %.4Xh. VLM.EXE will not be unloaded. Unload all memory resident programs (TSRs) that were loaded after the VLM.EXE file and then try to unload VLM.EXE. The VLM.EXE file has been successfully removed. The VLM.EXE file cannot use expanded memory (EMS). VLM.EXE will use an alternate memory scheme. The VLM.EXE file is using expanded memory (EMS). The VLM.EXE file cannot use extended memory (XMS). VLM.EXE will use an alternate memory scheme. The VLM.EXE file is using extended memory (XMS). The VLM.EXE file cannot use conventional memory. VLM.EXE will use an alternate memory scheme. The VLM.EXE file is using conventional memory. There is a missing or invalid value for on line %u of the configuration file. This entry will be ignored. Correct the line specified in the configuration file before continuing. There is a missing or invalid ON/OFF value for on line %u of the configuration file. This entry will be ignored. Correct the line specified in the configuration file before continuing. There is an invalid string length specified for on line %u of the configuration file. This entry will be ignored. Correct the line specified in the configuration file before continuing. The parameter specified for the following option was out of range and has been adjusted. A duplicate VLM ID was found during VLM load test. The file will not be loaded. Check the VLM= and USE DEFAULTS= parameter specified in the configuration file before continuing. %s%d : A file server could not be found. Check the network cabling and the server's status before continuing. The preferred connection could not be established. Check the PREFERRED SERVER and PREFERRED TREE statement specified in the NET.CFG file. Also check the server's status before continuing. You are attached to server %s DOS version is not 3.1 or later. The NetWare Requester for DOS cannot be loaded. Reboot your computer with DOS 3.1 or later; then load the NetWare Requester for DOS files. An older version of the shell is loaded. The NetWare Requester for DOS cannot be loaded. Unload the shell; then load the NetWare Requester for DOS files. The NetWare DOS Named Pipes Extender is currently loaded. The NetWare Requester for DOS cannot be loaded. Unload the NetWare DOS Named Pipes Extender; then load the NetWare Requester for DOS files. The IPX interface is not loaded. The IPXNCP.VLM file cannot be loaded. Load the IPXODI.COM file first and then try loading the IPXNCP.VLM file. The IPX sockets could not be opened. The IPXNCP.VLM file cannot be loaded. Configure the IPXODI.COM file for enough sockets in the NET.CFG file and then try to load the IPXNCP.VLM file. The IPX interface does not support checksums. The IPXNCP.VLM file will load successfully without using checksums. Make sure the installed IPXODI.COM is version 2.01 or later and that it is not bound to a board configured to use the ETHERNET_802.3 frame format. The IPX socket for large internet packets could not be opened. The IPXNCP.VLM file will load successfully without using large internet packets. Configure the IPXODI.COM file for enough sockets in the NET.CFG file or add LARGE INTERNET PACKETS=OFF to the NET.CFG file; then load the IPXNCP.VLM file. DOS is only configured for %d drives, NETX.VLM requires 26 drives for full functionality. The NETX.VLM file will load with partial support. Add LASTDRIVE=Z to the CONFIG.SYS file, reboot the workstation; then load the NETX.VLM file. The PRINT.VLM file has not been loaded. The NETX.VLM file will load successfully without print services. To enable printing services, load the PRINT.VLM file before loading the NETX.VLM file. The SECURITY.VLM file has not been loaded. The NWP.VLM file will load successfully without NCP signature support. Load the SECURITY.VLM file before loading the NWP.VLM file or add SIGNATURE LEVEL=0 to the NET.CFG file; then load NWP.VLM. The SECURITY.VLM file must be loaded before any other NetWare Protocol module. The SECURITY.VLM file will not be loaded. Load the SECURITY.VLM file before loading any NetWare Protocol modules. Too much cache is configured. The FIO.VLM file will reduce the cache blocks by %d blocks and load successfully. Check the CACHE BUFFERS and BUFFER SIZE parameters in the NET.CFG file; then load the FIO.VLM file. The IPX interface is not loaded. The FIO.VLM file will load successfully without packet burst support. Load the IPXODI 2.00 or later to use packet burst or add PB BUFFERS=0 to the NET.CFG file; then load FIO.VLM. The LSL interface is not loaded. The FIO.VLM file will load successfully without packet burst support. Load the LSL module or add PB BUFFERS=0 to the NET.CFG file; then load FIO.VLM. The IPX socket for packet burst could not be opened. The FIO.VLM file will load successfully without packet burst support. Configure the IPXODI.COM file for enough sockets in the NET.CFG file or add PB BUFFERS=0 to the NET.CFG file; then load the FIO.VLM file. The IPX interface is not version 2.00 or later. The FIO.VLM file will load successfully without packet burst support. Load the IPXODI.COM file version 2.00 or later or add PB BUFFERS=0 to the NET.CFG file; then load the FIO.VLM file. The DOS Requester is being loaded in a Windows DOS box. The FIO.VLM file will load successfully without packet burst support. There is an invalid route specified for WORKGROUP NET parameter in the configuration file. The PNW.VLM file will load succesfully without a route specified. Correct the WORKGROUP NET parameter in the configuration file before continuing. VeRsIoN=1.20 VeRsIoN=1.20 WARNING: Message file DOSRQSTR.MSG incorrect version. Replace with version %s or delete existing file.